What's New? ColorStuff.ai, DDoS Mitigation, and More

After a two-year hiatus, I'm back with some exciting updates! I've launched ColorStuff.ai, a SaaS platform for AI-generated coloring pages, started a new role at Deepfield Nokia working on DDoS mitigation, and continued my game development journey.

Flask and Asynchronous Tasks with Celery and Redis

When our Flask applications have long-running jobs, such as sending emails or making third-party API calls, we do not want to keep our users waiting for these tasks to finish. This traditional request-->response approach will not do. Instead, we should use a task queue to handle these tasks asynchronously. This post will walk you through setting up a Dockerized Flask application with Celery as our task queue manager, with a Redis server as the broker.

Dockerize Your Flask-MariaDB-Redis Application with Docker Compose

Chances are if you are building a Flask application you need more than just Flask. You might need a database of some sort, such as MariaDB and maybe even a cache such as Redis. Whatever the case may be, Dockerizing our app will help us ensure a consistent, isolated, easily-installable environment whether it be on a developer's machine all the way up to production. Let's jump into Dockerizing a Flask application using Docker Compose!

Formatting Your Python Code With Black Using Docker

Code formatting should be done by tools, not humans. Learn how to run Black via Docker and automatically format your Python code!

Intro to FastAPI - Create a Best Ball Projections API using FastAPI, SQLAlchemy and Pandas

Flask and Django have long been the go-to web frameworks for Python developers. However, FastAPI is a more modern, high performance web framework with support for both synchronous and and asynchronous data requests, and much more. Let's implement a (crude) Best Ball projections API using FastAPI with a little help from SQLAlchemy and Pandas.

Tracking DFS Results with Python using Plotly

Fantasy sports come in many different flavors, and daily fantasy sports is one of the flavors I enjoy playing. There are numerous paid tools available on the Internet for tracking your overall DFS performance. However, why use a paid tool when we can build our own DFS Return on Investment (ROI) tracking tool using Python and Plotly!

Building a RESTful API with Flask, Flask-RESTful, SQLAlchemy and pytest

Fantasy Sports offer all kinds of statistics and data to sort throuh. However, finding a free, reliable, easily accessible source for all of this data can be hard. Instead, let's implement our own Fantasy Football API using Flask, Flask-RESTful, Flask-SQLAlchemy and pytest!

Designing a RESTful Fantasy Football Stats API with Swagger and OpenAPI

Fantasy football statistics can be fun to look up, compare and contrast, and share with friends. It can also be fun designing a RESTful API for accessing all of this data using Swagger and the OpenAPI Specification.

Code Review Quick Wins

I came across Google's official Standards of Code Review documentation and was inspired to write down some thoughts regarding a few simple things I always look for when doing code reviews. The techniques covered in this post should all result in quick, easy wins for your code base if applied when conducting your own code reviews.

Loading Seasonal Football Stats Into Sqlite3 with Python

Scraping football statistics is fun, but what good are these statistics if they are not persisted for later use? Let's scrape some seasonal football stats, and store them in a relational database!

Scraping Football Stats with Python

I love stats, I love all sorts of games, and Fantasy Football is the perfect amalgamation of a game with statistics. Let's scrape the web for some of our favorite player's stats using Python, requests, and BeautifulSoup!

Hosting Your Jekyll Site on NearlyFreeSpeech.NET

This site uses Jekyll, a simple, blog-aware, static site generator written in Ruby. I use the very inexpensive hosting provider, NearlyFreeSpeech.NET. If you're looking for a similar setup hosted on NearlyFreeSpeech.NET then this post is for you!

Hello World!

Welcome to my new site's first post! Let's talk Python, reflect on game development, and learn together.